Octopart 非常高兴地宣布我们的最新合作伙伴 LevaData,这是一家行业领先的供应管理公司,通过其集成的人工智能 (AI) 平台,正在转变直接材料采购的成本和风险优化。
这次合作增加了 LevaData 客户对他们需要的所有组件的深入见解,以便做出快速、智能的采购决策。
LevaData 通过独特的第三方见解、社区数据和人工智能的结合,提供关于直接材料采购的全面和情境化见解。有了 LevaData 的平台,采购团队可以自信地做出快速、明智且成本效益高的供应商决策,以提高利润率、降低风险并确保供应连续性。
在 Octopart,我们不断扩大我们的 CAD 模型范围和质量,以帮助您提高生产力和工作流程。我们的 CAD 模型市场 允许 Octopart 充当 CAD 模型搜索引擎,使用与我们网站相同的强大搜索算法。感谢我们的 CAD 模型合作伙伴关系,您可以访问超过 100 万个 CAD 模型,来源和格式更多。这使您可以轻松找到任何有模型可用的部件的足迹、符号和 3D 模型。
要开始搜索我们的 CAD 模型市场,请访问 Octopart.com
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Libby Melton is a Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Altium, with over 20 years of diverse marketing experience across industries like agriculture, automotive, education, medical technology, and electronic component distribution. She currently leads the Nexar and Octopart Product Marketing team where her broad industry exposure, paired with her strategic abilities refined during her tenure in marketing agencies for Fortune 100 companies, allows her to make significant contributions to Altium. Libby holds a Bachelors of Art from Azusa Pacific University, giving her a true understanding of design. Her mix of business acumen, design and industry knowledge make her an invaluable asset to the marketing team. In her free time, Libby teaches yoga at a local studio, or can be found on the sidelines of her sons’ football team in Colorado.
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